
Baby’s First Bath

Today’s blog hop topic is Baby’s Firsts and, at first, I had no idea what I should write about. As I was explaining to hubby that I’m short of ideas as our little one hasn’t had that many firsts yet, he replied: but she has had so many firsts! The first time she cuddled with us, the first night in her own bed, the first walk outside, the first toy, the first visit of a museum… Indeed, although Birdy is just 9 weeks old she has had a lot of firsts. They may not be huge milestones by themselves but it doesn’t mean that they’re not important.

In that spirit, let me tell you the story of Birdy’s first bath!


Birdy’s umbilical cord stump finally fell off as she was exactly two weeks old which meant one thing: it was time for her very first bath! I was excited: how will she react to water? Will she like it? Might she cry? My visiting midwife offered to help with the first bath and show how it’s done which was an offer too good to refuse. After all, what did I know about bathing a baby aside from the page I had glanced over in one of my baby books?

Hubby made sure that the bathroom is warm and the bathwater the right temperature while I undressed Birdy and made her ready for her very first bath. With our midwife standing by to give instructions, I lowered the little one in the water almost holding my breath: will she like it? Birdy had her eyes widely opened and appeared to be completely attentive but she didn’t make a sound. I cheered inwardly: she liked it!! Indeed, the only complaints Birdy made was when we took her out of the wonderfully warm water.

As much as Birdy likes bathing by herself, she enjoys bathing with her mom or dad even more. We simply fill our big bathtub with warm water and let her float and move around for a longer while. Did I already mention that bathing is a wonderful way of making a baby tired before bed?

Our midwife’s 10 tips for bathing a baby:

  • At first you might not need a special baby bathtub: your bathroom sink is big enough and much easier to fill (of course, this depends on the size of your baby);
  • Make sure the room is warm and the water is around 38C/100F (I know this is slightly higher than the usual recommendation but my midwife finds it more comfortable for the baby);
  • In the first year you don’t need baby wash or shampoo, pure water is sufficient and even recommended;
  • Always keep a firm grip of the baby: slide your wrist under their neck and grab their upper arm. Use your other arm for washing the baby;
  • Start with gradually lowering baby’s legs in the water, then follow with the rest of the body – it gives them time to get used to the water;
  • Make sure that baby’s legs are always touching the side of the sink/bathtub, it helps to keep them calm;
  • Put a wet washcloth on baby’s chest to prevent them from getting cold;
  • Leave washing the hair and face to the very end so that the baby doesn’t get too cold. Slide your palm over baby’s forehead and wash their eyes from outside in with your fingers – this will make the baby to close their eyes;
  • If you notice that the baby’s skin is a little dry, give them a massage with baby oil or almond oil after the bath;
  • Feed the baby both before & after bathing. If breastfeeding: one breast before bathing, the other – after bathing.

Scroll to the bottom of this page or click on the image below to read many more interesting and valuable blog articles about baby firsts & speech and development milestones.

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Check out the links below and visit the Ultimate Guide to Baby Milestones and Firsts at Lemon Lime Adventures to find even more to read about those important moments of the first year!

Taking Care in Selecting that First Teddy or Blanket ~ Powerful Mothering

Baby’s First Meeting of Siblings ~ Makeovers & Motherhood

Baby’s First Outing ~ Bambini Travel

Baby’s First Road Trip ~ Peace but Not Quiet

Baby’s First Foods ~ The Jenny Evolution

Make a DIY Baby Book to Record Baby’s Firsts (free printable) ~ Bare Feet on the Dashboard

Baby Book with Printable Onesie Iron-Ons ~ Mama Miss

Designing Your Home for Baby’s First Words ~ Trust Me, I’m a Mom

Potty Training at Eleven Months ~ Conceiving Piper

Baby’s First Shoes – What You Need To Know ~ Pink Oatmeal

Capturing Baby Milesones on Camera ~ BPhotoArt


SURPRISE! phil & teds Stroller Sale and GIVEAWAY ~ Lemon Lime Adventures

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